Tuesday, March 4, 2014

I Only Have One Facebook

I only have one FaceBook at

People think that I have 
too many Facebook profile accounts.

My name is Joey.
I'm an American English Teacher
in Saigon, Vietnam

I teach English at FYG

cell: 090-312-4615

email me
My name is Joey Arnold

My YouTube Videos

You may think
I have many Facebook accounts

that is a misunderstanding

you may see things on Facebook
and think that I have many
Facebook profile accounts

that is not exactly true

I want to explain why
that is not exactly true
in this video

please listen to what I
an trying to say in this video

At the moment,
I do not have an official personal
Facebook profile account

Not only do I not have too many.
I also don't have any at all.

I mean,
officially speaking
and technically speaking

I joined Facebook
in 2006

Facebook disabled my account
in 2007

that made me sad
and I told Facebook
and they apologized

this happens

websites make mistakes

people make mistakes

even I make mistakes

but sometimes,
people make too many mistakes

many times,
Facebook has deleted my account

I manage Facebook
groups, pages, and profiles

the Facebook rules
permits this kind of maangement

but I only have one (1)
official personal Facebook account

many times,
Facebook deletes my profile
without telling me why

some websites
will tell you the rules
more clearly

Facebook has not
been fair

If I am breaking the rules,
Facebook should tell me

it is their
responsibility to tell me

instead, they say things like 
"Slow Down"

I do not know what
"Slow down" means exactly

in 2012, I was trying to
make a fan page on Facebook

I wanted the URL to be

my personal Facebook back then
had that same URL

I tried moving my URL
to my fan page

For security,
Facebook denied my request

then, I tried to get
that old Facebook URL back

Facebook wouldn't let me
and that made me sad and mad

so, then I settled with 

but I thought that URL
would be hard for people to remember

at the end of 2012, 
I came up with a new nickname

I want to have one nickname.
All over the internet.

At the end of 2012, 
I created the new Facebook of

I was trying to get my 
friends to come to my new Facebook

my old friends would not
and I did not want to lose them

I kept my previous Facebook
open for my old friends

early in February 2014
Facebook deleted my previous
account "Joey Arnold7"

Facebook also deactivated
my account "Original Oatmeal"

let me know if you want
to know more

I only have one personal Facebook
and I manage groups, etc

at the moment,
I have zero official Facebook
profile accounts

I do not have too many Facebooks:
I don't even have one FB,
officially speaking

My name is Joey.
I'm an American English Teacher
in Saigon, Vietnam

I teach English at FYG

cell: 090-312-4615

email me
My name is Joey Arnold

My YouTube Videos

I only have one FaceBook 

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